Today I realised that my Ravelry queue had gotten a little out of hand, over 25 pages and I couldn't remember most of the things I had queued! So I went through the queue and deleted many things I had queued just bcause I liked them. Things that no one I know would wear, like little girl dresses and baby clothes. Although they are cute, I don't need the patterns saved. I can re-search for them again when I need them.
I also deleted many toys I had saved that I intended to make for my son, but realistically, he doesn't play with soft toys, and I just donated a few garbage bags full of stuffed toys as they were just collecting dust.
There were many items I had queued for my daughter, and many of them weren't sized for her anymore. Rather than rewrite patterns, I realised that making the smallest size of some women's garments would be her size. So no more little girl patterns.
As for garments for me, I removed many that I realised I had queued just because I liked them not because they would be wearable for me. As I went through these I considered whether they would be suitable for anyone else.....mainly mum, and those I kept. The rest.....gone. Anything that was in a thick yarn that I didn't absolutely adore went too, I much prefer to knit from 8ply and 5ply yarns (dk and sport) I don't mind 10ply (worsted) but I prefer the finer gauge. More yardage for your money and I think that garments in a finer gauge look better too.
So now I feel lighter, and my queue less cluttered. I'm sure that by this time next year I will have to spring clean my queue again, and some things saved now will be deleted and new beauties will be kept. With 17 pages left, I stil have plenty to inspire me and keep me busy!
Til next time..........Danielle xoxox
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