Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FO - A Tangled Ocean Tweed

On Saturday morning I completed my Tangled Ocean Tweed.......just had to weave in ends and sew on the buttons and I was done. Sooooooo happy with the finished result and the fit is perfect! Hugs my shape in just the right places. Very pleased I chose the 38" size.

As you can see it is longer than the pattern suggested by 5 inches, which was a great idea, I love the length, it hides a multitude of sins! Although the picture below looks wonky, the tangled yoke does measure up evenly with the other side. I was just in a hurry to get some photos as my son was trying to get in the pictures!
I adore the colour, it is a stunning green and I think this colour really suits me. I have realised recently that green is my favourite color.......purple has taken a step back. Although I still love purple, I'm finding myself drawn to all sorts of shades of green.

As you can tell by the above picture, by increasing the length and then following the waist shaping instructions (although switching to stockinette earlier on in the shaping) the cardigan has come out with a gorgeous silhouette, which is perfect for me. I hope to have photos of me wearing it eventually.
On another note, I have started a black and grey striped top-down raglan sweater for myself, all done with my own calculations. A bit of a headache considering I am making it a v-neck as well. Things are going well so far, hopefully some progress shots to come.

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