Saturday, March 5, 2011

Working Girl

I have not written in a very long time, for one very simple reason, in January I got a full-time job and between that job and being a full-time mum as well, I really haven't had much time for myself, and when I do, it's usually to knit.

So I now work monday to friday 9-6 with an hour lunchbreak, which is spent in my car, knitting. When I get home, the evening is filled with cleaning, getting the kids off to bed and if I'm lucky, maybe an hour or so of knitting. My spinning and blogging have both been neglected unfortunately, and weekends are now primarily about doing the parts of a project that require a little more thought, a little more time, or that are just plain weaving in ends.

So I have completed my handspun mitts and beret, a nice thick shawl, a red sweater for Nathan, (which happens to be too small), almost completed my grey and black striped fitted v-neck, half-way through a cardigan for Chloe, which is actually a mixture of 2 patterns, and I have begun a simple black cardigan to wear in the office. This may sound like alot, but considering what I used to achieve, this is kinda slow.

I have plans to make a fingering weight lace shawl for myself next, some more hats and fingerless mitts for me, and maybe, more clothes for the kids. Maybe. If only there was more hours in the day.

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