Friday, October 8, 2010

Que Sera is Finished!!! And I improved my Seaming!

I did it! I finished my Que Sera and it took less than a month. The cardigan flew off the needles once I had memorised the pattern, and I loved every minute of it.......including the blocking! What a difference! I tried it on and it fits me just how I like my clothes to fit.....fitted. Unfortunately the buttons do that gaping thing they do when they are pulled to tight, but it really suited me as an open cardigan, more than a button up one. After all in summer, I probably will want the cardigan open and drapey. I doubt I would make it bigger for myself, as I really don't feel comfortable in baggy, loose clothing. Makes me feel slobby and bigger than I am.

I did discover however, that my method of seaming my knitted garments was not the best it could be. I thought I was doing it right, but it looked terrible on Que Sera so I did a search for seaming tutorials. After watching one, it clicked and I understood how it all worked, and how much better it can look. There are still some areas of the cardigan where the sewing was less than perfect, but still looks pretty good. I don't mind that little hint of evidence that something is handmade.......actually I think i like it.

So now, I can devote my time to my Tangled Yoke and the Sweater Vest. I may even cast on the Wave Shawl too. Yesterday my day was filled with a major spring cleaning of the house. Well overdue. Endless garbage bags for a tip run and many more for the Op Shop. Just got to get there now. It honestly amazes me how much stuff we have hoarded in the past few years, and how much was really just garbage. But I feel a lot clearer now that my house is less cluttered. Hopefully I never let it get that way again. I also had to drive to Tullamarine (Melbourne) Airport to pick up my dad from his visit to my sister in Queensland, so very little knitting happened yesterday. The collar of Que Sera and that was it.

Today, I spent the morning sewing up the cardigan and have not yet knitted a single stitch. I have cooked Pumpkin soup though, which smells great. So tonight I hope to have a very long knitting session, probably with my iPod as I barely get access to the tv. But lately I haven't minded. I enjoy being in a quiet room without the artificial glow of the tv. It's definately more relaxing.

Til next time..........Danielle xoxox

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